Take Action

This page will be constantly updated. Please return and also suggest ACTIONS, in your country and worldwide (contact  Erminia Colucci)

If you want to connect to organizations that are involved in human rights and mental health please go to:

Movement for Global Mental Health

World Health Organization

Centre for International Mental Health (Australia)

Centre for Global Mental Health (UK)

MindFreedom (US)

Psychologists for Social Responsibility (US)

Photorealistic CD Cover MockUp

YOU MAY ALSO STREAM OR DOWNLOAD A COPY OF ‘BREAKING THE CHAINS’ AND ORGANIZE YOUR OWN COMMUNITY AWARENESS AND ACTION EVENT (Please contact Erminia Colucci to keep track of the film reach and impact and/or to publicize it on the film website and social media)

Buy now

If you wish to support the making and distribution of  the ‘Breaking the chains’ series you can:

donate through Documentary Australia (tax deductible)

or contact the film-maker Erminia Colucci


Below you may also find some useful resources on mental health and human rights:

WHO MiNDbank is an online platform for the sharing of key resources related to mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development.